VC-231GF 1-Port 1000BASE-X SFP + 1-Port RJ11 VDSL2 Converter Datasheet Application Firmware FeaturesPhysical PortsOne 1000BASE-X SFP interface1 RJ11 connector for xDSL port with VDSL2 connectionVDSL2 FeaturesVDSL2 stand-alone transceiver for simple bridge modem applicationCost-effective bridge function to connect two Ethernet LANsUp to 150/150Mbps bandwidth (in G.INP, Sym, 8dB mode)Voice and data communication can be shared simultaneously based on the existing telephone wire with distance up to 1.4kmITU-T G.993.2 VDSL2 standardITU-T G.993.5 G.Vectoring and G.INPDMT-based coding technology CO/CPE mode selectable via DIP switchSelectable target band plan (symmetric and asymmetric) and SNR marginSupports IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tag transparencyHardware and InstallationCompact size, wall-mountable design; ideal solution for space-limited locationsAdvantage of minimum installation time (Simply by Plug and Play)Metal case, good for heat sinkingSupports extensive LED indicators for network diagnosisAdditional POST splitter to share voice and dataSupports 6KV DC Ethernet ESD protection